

Hello. I’m Matt Langford, a freelance web designer and blogger based in Lafayette, LA. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Louisiana and I’ve been working in web design for well over 15 years. On a personal level, I have a beautiful wife and two perfect children.

This Blog

I post a lot about my life and interests (with a lot of photos). I also, from time to time, write product reviews and recommendations for things I have personally used.

This blog is hosted and powered by the excellent micro.blog service (I’m @mtt). It’s using a customized version of the Archie theme.

For writing, I use a variety of apps and services for different reasons. The official micro.blog app, Drafts, and Shortcuts all play primary roles. All photos are taken with an iPhone 11 Pro Max or a Fuji X100F.

Elsewhere (and How to Contact Me)

  • @mtt on micro.blog
  • @mattslangford on Twitter
  • @mattslangford on Instagram


Some links are affiliate links (particularly those to Amazon). If you make a purchase after following an affiliate link, you will be providing me a very small commission that helps support my work at no extra cost to you.